Cevece Montan AB
International steel tradeWelcome
CEVECE international steel trade has a special structure. It is based partly on import and partly on export activity. Knowledge about different types of steel products and qualities is no adequate guarantee for success.
We are forced to have constant access to the latest up-to-date information regarding the market situation affecting supply and demand.
This day-to-day information enables us to work with complete confidence for the benefit of our clients and suppliers. Further it is essential for us that we play a meaningful role in every business transaction in which we take part.
Although steel is cold and iron is hard, it is always human beings who are producing, selling, buying and processing our merchandise and these people are experts in their fields.
Our constant personal contacts and execution of many sound business transactions has brought us many friends. In commercial life personal connections are aspects of great value – as all of our friends know.